MR. E is a published adult photographer and the avant-garde erotic filmmaker responsible for “Nerdy Girls”, which is soon to be released widely in the US.
Ramzi Abed, which is MR. E’s real name, has already directed several arthouse thrillers and cult films like “The Devil’s Muse”, “In A Spiral State” or “Noirland”.
And why did the 38-year-old artist choose to become MR. E? „The key to everything is the word, mystery,“ says Ramzi. And when you ask him about his past, he does remain mysterious: „MR. E grew up in dark cities and dense fog, and was nurtured by street hustlers and poets. He lived for years under various names, speaking in tongues, and reading only detective novels,“ says he.
Are you a talented erotic artist, too? We would love to run an article about you and show your work to our readers. Photos, paintings, statues – anything regarding sex and erotica is of interest for us!