W4B girls in Maxim LIKE

26 May 2010

Open the Champagne… We will show you what a success we have with our girls, they are so beautiful that they fill the sites of other magazines and our black sexy horse, Ashley won the miss Maxim title! Maxim likes our girls and we like Maxim for it. And you? You will love it all! And if you still not have enough, get the Czech Maxim magazine (online or print) and you will read spicy stories of our hot chicks! Enjoy such a large portion of beauty…

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Found out it’s useless because you wouldn’t read it anyway… Enjoy Žaneta!

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And we have also a third peace of iron in the fire…

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And Sarah again.. they know what makes the magazine to get sold so well!

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All wedding night long we played scrabble and in the morning we fall asleep on the ground…

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