Christopher Robbie LIKE

20 Jan 2013

Try to feel the mood of these photos and you will agree with us: Christopher Robbie is different than the majority of erotic photographers!

British photographer Christopher Robbie is quite modest when he talks about himself. “I would not presume to call myself a photographer,” says he. “I know nothing about photography either, but perhaps the only skill I have is the ability to create a working atmosphere that overcomes the initial apprehension a woman has at being pictured in a boldly intimate way – because I never work with professional models any more. Yes, they are very good at what they do but they’ve ‘been there before’ and I like to work with a woman who finds it a bit of an adventure,” adds he.

For Christopher, mood is the most important ingredient. “I carry no equipment with me apart from the camera so if mood and location seem right I grab a shot. I do not set-up a shot and I have never persuaded or coerced a model into a pose. The images are given to me by the woman. I wouldn’t be happy to look at an image knowing that was not true,” desribes Christopher.

We in Watch4beauty are completely happy with the results of Christopher’s attitude and his work and we hope you will like his photos, too.

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