Rio Carnival LIKE

4 Jan 2011

The highlight of Rio Carnival is undoubtedly the Rio Carnival Parade called the Samba Parade or Samba Schools Parade, a totally unique event in the world.

The Rio Samba Parade is the review of a fierce competition between The Rio Samba Schools. The judges and spectators watch the principal parades in the Sambodromo which was especially built for this event.

It started as street festivities with groups of people parading through the streets playing music and dancing. The Carnival parades in Rio developed into something special, a competition between the samba schools. The main competition was originally held downtown. Until the mid-1980s, bleachers for the spectators were simply assembled and disassembled every year on Av. Presidente Vargas, one of Rio’s major arteries. Then the principal parades were moved to the Sambodromo, specially built for this event.

Preparation for very well organized Samba Parade starts months in advance, by December. First, the theme of the year is chosen. Then the school’s samba song of the year is selected through competition, while the school’s Carnival Designer creates the costumes and the floats. When ready, the sketches move into production.

The schools are judged in 10 categories. There are 4 judges of every category (altogether 40 of them). Every judge gives his scores on a scale of 5-10 (with fractions), 10 being the best. They are counted and announced on Ash Wednesday, just after Carnival.

A wonderful competition you should experience at least once in your life!

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